Indoor House Plants

13 May

Grand Gardenia

Imagine the exotic blue-and-orange crest of bird of paradise plant blooming in a sunny bay window …fresh culinary herbs lining the kitchen windowsill…or heavenly gardenia filling the room with a delightful fragrance.

Think it’s just a dream?

It doesn’t have to be. The “secret” to growing healthy, beautiful house plants is to find out what kind of light, water, humidity and fertilizer they need and give it to them.

Do you wonder why your pothos can go a week without watering, but your purple passion plant wilts? A little know-how goes a long way to keeping your house plants healthy. So don’t assume that because your cactus loves to bask in the sun, that your African violet will, too. Get to know them.

Money Tree

You probably have plenty of places in your home for plants. However, placing a sun-lover in a shady corner just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’ll be happy there.

You’ll have success with house plants if you find locations to suit their needs. Consider light levels, humidity and temperatures in each room, keeping in mind those factors can vary quite a bit from one end of the room to the other.

Money tree (shown at right) doesn’t require much attention at all. It thrives in average home conditions with bright, indirect light. Get money tree plant care tips.

Eye-Catching Combos

Grouping a few different types of house plants has its advantages.

Combine a variety of plant shapes and subtle variances of color to create a fascinating display. Take a look at these green house plants for tips on combining leaf textures and colors.

Don’t overlook large house plants. Displayed on their own, these floor plants make excellent focal points and add instant drama.

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Posted by on May 13, 2012 in Green Living, Home Decor


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